
We provide tips and recipes for healthy living in today's world.

Why Your Workout Isn’t Working Out

women exercising

Ever wonder why all those hours sweating at the gym aren’t paying off? You’re not alone. Joe Dowdell, a top NYC fitness expert and owner of Peak Performance Sports and Fitness Center, hears this all the time—especially from women. “They want to know what they’re doing wrong and how they can tweak their workouts to …

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Get the Best Sleep of Your Life

woman sleeping

“I’m cranky and unpleasant… and just plain mean to the world.”“I’m a zombie.”“I get bags under my eyes.”“It’s like drunk driving!” These are just a few of the complaints from people battling sleep deprivation. These words, gathered by the Better Sleep Council, highlight the misery that comes from poor sleep habits. Millions of people struggle …

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7 Simple Health Savers

woman stretching on beach

Improving your health doesn’t have to mean turning your life upside down or jumping on the latest fad bandwagon. Sometimes, it’s the smallest changes that pack the biggest punch. Whether it’s adjusting your habits or making smarter choices, these seven easy tips can help “health-ify” your everyday routine—no extremes required. Move Your Meds Keeping medications …

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Is Juice As Healthy As You Think?


Juice might seem like the next best thing to whole fruit, but it falls short when it comes to nutrition. Sure, it’s made from fruit, but not all juices are as healthy as their labels might suggest. A lot depends on the type and brand you choose. Here’s the thing: when you strain fruit to …

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7 Ways to Feel Happier Now

happy woman

Happiness isn’t some distant, unreachable dream. It’s more like a habit—a set of small choices we make every day. The good news? You don’t need perfect looks, a huge bank account, or a lucky streak to feel happier. Here’s how you can start right now. Have Friends. Preferably Happy Ones. Ever notice how some people …

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How to Really Relax

A friend once shared a story about her attempt to unwind as a new mom. Her husband, sensing she needed a break, took their baby out of the house so she could rest. When he returned, he found her in full multitasking mode—folding laundry and writing thank-you notes. Confused, he asked why she didn’t just …

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How Fresh Is That Food?


Fresh food doesn’t just taste better—it’s also packed with more nutrients and is safer to eat. Whether you’re shopping for fruits, vegetables, meat, or dairy, knowing how to identify freshness can save you from disappointment (or worse, a stomachache). Thankfully, there are simple ways to make sure the food you buy is as fresh as …

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Are You Really Hungry?

people eating

“EAT WHEN YOU’RE HUNGRY. DON’T eat when you’re not.” Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Yet, knowing when you’re truly hungry isn’t always that straightforward. Some people barely feel hunger at all, while others seem to live in a state of constant nibbling mode. And let’s be honest—eating isn’t always about hunger. The sight of gooey cheese …

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